Why You Can Never Escape Being Yourself: (Mystical Explanation).

You could climb to the highest mountain trying to outclimb away from yourself, but no matter how high, or how fast you climbed, you would still be you.

You could try to outrace yourself, same thing.

In this article, I’m gonna talk about what it means when people say that no matter how far you run, or what you do, you can never escape yourself.

How You Are Already Good To Go.

Some say that from where you are, you are already perfect.

That you already rest perfectly at the center of everything located outwardly from where you are.

That even if the universe and all creation may seem imbalanced, everything is actually balanced, and this balance is experienced in exactly the place that you are, from where you sit and experience life, in the changelessness of the outpost of the real You.

That for all the apparent change in the world, and in creation, the net change is zero, and it is ever changeless.

And you, at the heart of it all, are actually changeless, and sitting at the hub of creation, from and around which, all change comes in and out of form and existence.

In summary, this concept means that nothing in the universe really needs to change.

Including you.

Some say that you can never escape your place, at ground zero of your ongoing experience.

That from the place where you are, no matter how you may try to do so, you can never escape that locational outpost of your existence.

You Are Still Yourself, Anywhere You Go.

You could climb to the highest mountain trying to outclimb away from yourself, but no matter how high, or how fast you climbed, you would still be you.

You could try to outrace yourself, same thing.

You could swim to the deepest ocean trying to outswim yourself, to outswim the place that you are, but the same thing.

You can’t swim away from being you.

You could even travel into space, or beyond the speed of sound, but you would still be you, zipping along in a rocket ship, exactly at the ground zero of where you are.

There is a scripture that says essentially the same thing, but switches out the words, and says that you can never escape God’s Spirit, or find a place where God is not. This is the one:

It is Psalm 139.

7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Your universe is unique to you.

So you are perfect at being uniquely you, and the world of creation outside of yourself is always balanced in the place that you sit.

There Is No Reason To Look Outwardly For Something That You Already Are.

So they say that the place you dwell is changeless and that for you, it is the holy of holies.

The place that you are was there in the beginning, is there now, and will be there even at the end of the universe and of all time.

It is the end of all that you could ever hope or search for.

But people don’t recognize or experience that as such, and they want something different.

Why Do People Try To Escape Themselves For Something Else?

People want a change of state, to experience phenomena that come and go, and that will bring about a change of state.

They want to experience something new, that they have never seen, heard, felt, smelled, never experienced before.

And that is exactly why you are now alive, on this earth.

As yourself, you already have access to a full range of phenomena.

You have stepped into something that can be every bit as enjoyable as a multidimensional video game, and you get to have a blast actually moving your character around, from exactly where you sit, across all kinds of varied landscapes, and in all kinds of adventures.

Your physical character has whatever powers and limitations it has, and can apply them in fun ways all across creation.

You are here to play.

Jamming and unjamming things together, and witnessing ever-new creation and change.

Your Body Is Your Vehicle.

You continually witness sights, sounds, feelings, and other phenomena, in combinations that have never occurred before, from the foundation of the world.

Your stomach is digesting a different combination of nutrients than it ever had before.

You are breathing different combinations of air particles, with different smells than ever before.

All of this is new.

And you can respond to each new moment in any way that you want.

You can break out of your mold, and even pick your nose in public if you feel like it, just to see what happens when you do that.

There Is Something Timeless About You.

It all occurs in a time and place that had never happened in exactly that way ever before, and will never occur in that way again.

You can enjoy experiencing front row and center, how people, and all life reacts to your bold and creative FLAT-OUT LIVING.

And…believe it or not, all of this is a holy offering, offered up to creation.

When you used to act as a thing, you gave creation something to collide against.

But abiding in the space between opposites, the place of the real you, there is no “thing” there to collide with.

The key is to experience life in the best way possible.

So just establish and hold to the scale, and welcome each presenting combination of appearances without departing from balance.

Things arise with directionality, with unfinished business, with departing from the center.

But you can find rest in the place between opposites.

And that is the sweet spot.

It is not different than the exact place in the midst of creation where you sit.

In that inescapable zone of being you.

Existence Itself Is Changeless

Memories come and go, thoughts, ideas, and even people may change, but steady, and beyond that is existence itself.

You exist as you read this now.

Each new moment in the world can be trippy and fun.

And life can be more fascinating than it seems now.

You can surf, skateboard, have life, and have it more abundantly if you know the mystical secret of how to set up the scale and surf the place between opposites.

I wrote about that in the article on how to skateboard or surf without a board.

Commonly, people do want new phenomena.

They will want to see new things, hear new sounds, lights, and sparkles, and feel love.

And that is exactly why there are rainbows, fireworks, and kisses.

Freedom is the key, though.

Freely experiencing, traversing, traveling through, and sampling creation, while not getting locked into a bad place in life.

This means to be able to experience the parade of phenomena in a way that is fulfilling and to do so from that changeless place that the mystics and yogis write about.

It makes sense that there should be some method to do this, right?

And it makes sense that people should be able to learn how to do it.

And so we seek and sift thru the wisdom of the ages to find some kind of philosopher’s stone.

Something by which all else is known.

You Are Already In The Right Place.

You could have a famous impersonator that is great at doing impressions and impersonations, and have them attempt to duplicate you, the way you look, walk, speak.

They can only hit around the edges. They can never be you.

Only one can occupy the ground zero of where you are.

It is locational. They cannot occupy your place.

And all that they see from the outside can never be what you see, feel, and experience.

So in this way, you are spot-on. Effortlessly. And will always be so.

And so you seek everywhere in the world to become more, more you.

Self-development, meditations, scripture reading, etc.

The one who seeks such a thing is you.

And your promised land is just exactly you.

Right where you are, as you are.

In your world, there is only one place of enlightenment.

It isn’t to be found “Lo here, or lo there”, as in wanting to depart from the place where you already are, to anxiously and busily search under every rock in the universe.

Instead, you are already in the right place.

And you can set up a yoke or a scale, and holding two points, one on each side, you can abide in “Me”.

You can stake out or gather two or more points, one on each side and mystically rest between them.

You can surf the center and actually rest between those walls of rest.

And you will always be as yourself; inescapably You, and free to turn and face any new direction that you may wish.

If you like nature, turn to nature.

If you like the ocean, turn to the ocean.

And through it, all, enjoy being yourself, surfing the place between opposites.

Why You Can Never Escape Being Yourself: (Mystical Explanation). By: Preston Flatt

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