Why Do I Feel Awkward Walking Towards Someone?

Can someone mess with you from a distance? In this article, you will learn about the awkwardness that you feel when walking toward someone, down a hallway, or on a sidewalk, and ideas on what to do.

I will also explain how this relates to the possibility of someone messing with your surfing, skateboarding, or other activities without them even touching you.

Disclaimer: Though I am also a qualified, licensed health professional, this is not given as medical or professional advice and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. I am writing this article solely from my background in mysticism and world mystic traditions, and not from the viewpoint of psychology, or any other health discipline. Please read and follow all disclaimers.

In some ways, no-touch, touchless, no-contact throws and knockouts have been debunked.

Even so, your life experience has taught you to move out of the way of things.

If you perceive something such as a car coming at you and sense the need to move, would you move away from it even without it touching you, or would you hang around and wait?

And how is this related to having your skateboarding or surfing messed with by people and things from a distance?

If it is possible for people to mess with you from a distance, how can you neutralize it so as to keep balanced, happy, and sitting pretty?

At baseball games, people yell stuff at the batters, and at the pitcher to mess with them.

You can tell it works because they get angry.

Basketball players have people behind the backboards moving every which way, messing with them to throw off their shots.

And it works without touching them.

And now it’s your turn.

You finally get your turn on a perfect run, and there is some genius parked out there, sitting or bobbing around like a cork in exactly in the wrong place, just picking their nose.

That person has messed with you without even touching you; and depending on the direction, timing, and many other factors, that nose picker may even have you crashing or flying off of your board.

All for the love of a sweet, sweet, tasty booger.

This possibility is important to know and understand because when you are on a wave or on a sidewalk, it can directly affect you.

Here are some other examples of no-touch influences and energy.

You’re out in the ocean, and someone yells, “Shark!”.

It influences you greatly.

Then they yell, “Never mind, it was just a dolphin”, and you feel further modified when you hear those words.

Then they yell again, “Oops, it really is a shark”.

That kind of nonsense can jerk a person around, make them tense, and top-heavy, and really mess with their surfing.

In this article, I am going to present real-life examples from my own experience with these kinds of no-touch, touchless, no-contact interactions, and explain when and how they may work, and when and how they might not.

Why Do I Feel Awkward When I Am Walking Towards Someone?

Did you ever have some genius walking toward you on the wrong side of the sidewalk?

With each step that they take toward you, you will feel pressure building within.

And it is felt like a pressure or uneasiness which may increase with each step they take, heading right at you.

After all, they’re supposed to be on the other side of the sidewalk.

Some of you have experienced this.

Some of you may have also experienced having to fall or jump off of your board, or the sidewalk at the last minute to avoid running into them.

People change course all the time based on conditions in their environment, that, if those conditions hadn’t been there, they would have continued on their original course.

Influences in their environment can affect their physical location, course, and their posture.

When there are known rules, these rules can provide a remedy for traffic patterns, and a way for efficient flow.

The rules are something established, to bounce uncertainties against so that things can be solved.

They bring rest to those that keep to the correct side of the sidewalk.

Without some of these rules though, there would be unpredictability, pressure, uncertainty, and loss of balance.

Just going against the “sidewalk rules” can throw people off course.

It is the physical equivalent of someone singing out of tune.

There is floating chaos that must settle into a path of remedy in a timely enough way that you are not floating and knocked off your map of the world.

What If People Are Just Standing There, Standing Still, Blocking The Sidewalk.

When people just stand around and block the sidewalk right in your path, that anger, displeasure, or whatever else you may feel, is also a kind of pressure.

It is possible to work with that pressure, surf it, adapt to it, and even change your course or go around.

When someone isn’t moving, but just sitting or standing there. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time puts a pin on the map that has to be solved.

Their “response of non-response” is something that life will need to solve, to adapt to.

When you walk down the sidewalk approaching someone walking in the other direction toward you, on the wrong side of the sidewalk, with every step, you can feel a change in the unique internal representation inside of you that matches that, and each moment.

The pressure within you will build or change or modify.

And when they move back to the correct side of the sidewalk you will probably sense that as a feeling of being somewhat relieved.

As you become aware that they have modified their course, changed direction, or turned around, all of those subtle changes can actually be felt registering as a change in feeling such as relief, within your physical body.

Your movements and responses are involved in this also.

When they finally start walking on their correct side of the sidewalk, you will sense that the pressure is somewhat relieved.

So it is nothing superhuman to feel those changes within and respond to them, even from a distance.

Something is felt, and it just figures in, and you adapt to it.

Even if they are on the correct side of the sidewalk, and are walking generally in your direction, if it is on a pretty narrow sidewalk, you will still feel some pressure.

But just knowing what side of the sidewalk people in your country or area choose to walk on, can give you a basis for comfort.

That can bring you relief as you can know when all is in order and on track.

You can have peace, knowing that you are right on track too.

When you know and can feel you are on the right track, you can settle and relax.

You have probably experienced this in board sports.

It’s pretty simple.

When they see you coming toward them and then move to the correct side of the sidewalk, the situation is remedied.

Except that there are those that weave.

Some people go back to walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk and keep switching back and forth as they continue walking toward you.

So, you work with it as best as you can.

You try to figure out what’s going on with them.

They might be unaware or have some disability or sensory impairment.

If so, you can be good to them and allow them some slack.

Knowing that is the case, it won’t bother you as much, and you might even feel some compassion towards them.

Another possibility is that they might be from a country where it is correct to walk on the exact side that they are walking.

If so, at least they may be trying to be respectful and stick to some kind of rules and some kind of order.

Maybe they are actually trying to be considerate and make life easier on you, but just got their lefts and rights mixed up from having lived in their country.

No big deal. You can work with that.

You give them some slack.

Or that person could be the most beautiful and attractive person you have ever seen, and they are purposely walking directly toward you to give you the best hug and kiss that you have ever had.

You can definitely work with that.

You might even feel an energetic change within switching from repulsion to a feeling of being magnetized TOWARD them.

One minute, feeling repelled, and now feeling attracted.

Pretty cool stuff.

The key though is knowing what is going on, and knowing that many responses are possible.

As each walks toward you, don’t forget, that you also have the option to change.

You yourself could stop, turn around and go the other way.

You could, change your speed, change your direction, make noises, or physically move to catch the person’s eye so that they can wake up, and avoid slamming into you.

Or if the wind is blowing in the right direction, curl one out and send them an olfactory warning like a skunk!

The point is that you have lots of options.

Out skill them, outspeed them, or even just stand there in one place and out bore them to death.

It’s also possible that they may turn around and walk back in the direction they came from.

Suppose they do that.

They are now out in front of you, walking in the same direction as you are walking, and the pressure is eased up.

Luckily it is slow enough that when you reach where they are, you can blow past them without having to awkwardly walk alongside them for very long.

No big deal.

With each step you take, you are gaining on them.

You don’t like the idea of walking next to someone that you don’t know, so you are relieved that they are walking so slowly that you can blow right past them.

But when you get close, they speed up to their normal walking pace, which is about the same as yours.


You were gonna blow past them, but now they are walking just barely ahead of you, at almost your speed, and too close.

You now have the choice to speed up way faster than you would like to and run past them as if you forgot that you were actually out for a jog that day, and just barely remembered.

Or you could slow down so slow that you will feel a different pressure, the pressure of impatience for them blocking you and wasting your time.

Haha. Anything to avoid walking next to them though.

All these are examples of being physically jerked around by energies around you, without any physical contact.

You will feel and adapt your course based on all these things, and many other factors.

Walking Past Someone You Know

What if I am walking up to someone I know; or walking past someone I know?

How should I walk past someone I know?

I can say that a lot of it depends on your past relationship with that person.

If they are a close friend, then you will probably feel great, and happy to see them.

This will show out in your greeting.

If they haven’t seen you yet, you will probably keep your eyes on them, to see how they react when you catch their eye.

If you don’t want to keep watching them, you could have fun messing with them by walking past them, like a robot, to see what they do.

Then if they really don’t see you, you can always sneak around behind them or something.

Walking Past Someone You Know But Feel Awkward Seeing.

Sometimes you will walk past someone that you know, but feel awkward seeing and greeting.

When you see them, you feel awkward because they are walking toward you, and you wish they weren’t coming toward you on that sidewalk.

It’s too dang narrow to funnel past them without being noticed.

Well, you could always turn around, or walk some other way if you feel like it.

But from a mystical viewpoint, it can be a lot of fun to practice surfing the place between opposites as you keep exactly on course and approach them.

There is a way of keeping balanced and keeping in the zone that is a lot of fun to practice.

And it is fun to practice this in lots of different settings; especially those types of settings that in the past, might have had you losing balance or feeling awkward.

All you do is use the human frame to set up the equivalent of a scale, and rest in and surf the place between opposites.

As you do this, you will welcome all the changes around you, and love having an opportunity to practice surfing all kinds of new experiences; especially those that in the past may have had you bailing or turning away.

I will put a link at the bottom of this page to the article that explains how to do that.

And so, walking toward that person may bring the excitement of getting to practice in this way.

It can be like the arrival of a really great wave to a surfer or finding a great skateboarding park for a skateboarder.

Even walking down the sidewalk, you are here to surf life.

It is gonna be fun feeling the energies change, as, with each approaching step, you get to keep your posture good, while you surf everything about that experience, and comfortably abide, resting in the middle.

When you are in shape, practice in this way and feel good, each person that you meet can feel better from having seen and met you.

Not knowing How To Surf That Pressure Causes Suffering.

Attachment to the idea that the right side of the sidewalk must be yours, and that you can only go forward, on that exact unchanged path, with no other options, causes suffering.

If you are attached to your side only and unwilling to yield you will suffer.

Especially if you assign reasons to it, such as rudeness, being a jerk, not seeing, respecting, and acknowledging you, etc.

But all those pressures, all that suffering, may arise without any physical contact.

You make your real-time decisions as to your route, direction, speed, and responses by factoring in all the elements of life’s changing presentation before you.

When you get off track you feel it.

This is part of a survival mechanism.

And when you are on track, you can feel it too.

You have greater comfort in your life and in your journey.

Final thoughts:

There is a change of pressure that can be felt as a result of the changing sights, sounds, smells, thoughts, feelings, etc. around you in the environment.

This pressure can be increased, decreased, or influenced by what people do, how the environment changes, even from a physical distance; even without contact.

It is possible that someone could mismatch those changes in such a way as to lose balance, even without being touched.

You can know that it is a real thing, because if it wasn’t real, and didn’t have an effect on your body, then you wouldn’t feel those changes and that pressure within.

If you have ever turned sideways at the last moment to avoid running into someone, as you were walking or riding past them on a sidewalk, then you know what this is like.

When you give up your position, wheel your arms, and fall off to the side without anyone touching you, then you will have experienced just exactly this.

And you know by experience, debunked or not, how real it is.

And when you are walking down the sidewalk, if the other person also knows you aren’t gonna collide with them, they’re gonna feel good too.

There’s nothing wrong with that, and that is exactly why in my own personal practice, I keep to my part of the sidewalk as early and as often as seems to make life easier on others.

That’s the idea of treating your neighbor as you would treat yourself.

And there you have it, spreading good feelings in the world just by surfing the place that for any given application, is just exactly right.

Here is the article that explains how to set up the scale within the human frame, and surf the place between opposites: How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board: One Idea (Explained).

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