The Spiritual and Mystical Meaning of Muddy Water and Clear Water: (Explained)

One pointed concentration is devotion. Devotion is keeping to one thing.

Not flitting between so many things that would surface in thousands of ways to distract and frazzle life.

Without knowing how to establish the mystic scale, though, there is not that tool upon which to hold to the center.

Knowing how to gather two points together establishing the mystic scale, and abiding between them is a way to surf the changeless place between opposites.

Still Water Becomes Clear.

It is almost like having a pitcher of muddy water, and instead of constantly shaking and jarring it by flitting every which way, here and there, instead, letting it rest so that the mud can settle, and clear water discovered.

The clear water was there even under the mud, but the practice of stillness allowed it to seemingly be produced and experienced.

Earth Experience Is Like Muddy Water.

Common earth experience is essentially like muddy water.

Muddy water itself is produced by shaking and stirring, mismatching, overreacting and underreacting.

Clear water is present even beneath that muddy water though.

Muddy water is composed of clear water plus whatever dirt or other foreign elements are there.

Clear water is composed of clear water minus whatever dirt or foreign elements are there.

In both of these though, the clear water is still there, representing the changeless constant.

It Is Not Newly Obtained.

It is not newly obtained, because it was always there.

As existence itself is always there.

The clear water may seem somehow new though, even though it is always there, beneath the mud.

The obscuring 10,000 things are subject to change.

They can come and go, and they can also be surfed.

They can also be reconciled.

The Appearances Of Life Can Be Organized.

It is possible to organize the arriving presentation of life’s changes so as to abide pristine and timeless in the place of crystal clarity.

The appearances can be organized, as if around the place of changelessness.

When life is presented to the settling pitcher, the pitcher has the choice to mismatch those arriving presentations, shake and stir with each new change, or, finding and knowing the mystic scale, to surf the place between opposites in such a way as to not mismatch them.

In that place, those arriving presentations are reconciled, and there is no stirring up, no generating additional unfinished business.

It is the choice of missing the mark, or mystically abiding in “Me”.

There Is An Actual Way To Do This.

It can be learned, and is an actual method.

The article called How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board: (The Spiritual Exercises) explains more about how it is done.

The Real Meaning Of Muddy Water: (Explained) By Preston Flatt

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