How To Mystically Solve Problems Before They Happen: (Explained)

A Skateboard Leaning Against A Wall

You will like this mystical method of solving problems before they happen and reconciling the presentations of the world as they first arise.

It is possible to do this by setting up a scale or balance within the human frame, upon which human experience is monitored in real-time, weighed, measured, and corrected.

It is also possible to know at the earliest departure when and how to make a perfect correction and so abide in the Way.

You can use the mind and the human frame as a tool to do this.

You need to know when you are on track, and when you are off track.

There’s an actual way that doesn’t involve guessing.

And gives you confidence in how you can best respond.

I introduced this actual technique of how to solve problems before they happen in the article called: How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board, and will place that link at the bottom of this page.

Disclaimer: This article uses the example of driving a car for illustrative purposes only. Do not try this while driving, operating heavy equipment, or doing any other potentially hazardous activities. Do not drive in an altered state.

Examples Of How To Solve Problems Before They Occur.

To illustrate this, let’s consider the experience of driving.

The example of beginning driving is a great one, to show how to solve problems before they occur.

When you first start learning to drive, you want to do everything right.

There is even an exact recommended place on the steering wheel for you to put your hands.

You will put your hands on the exact place on the wheel, and your foot in the exact place over the pedals.

If they graded you only on that, you would be good to go.

But you are new at driving.

So you get out on the road the first time.

You are not used to checking the mirrors, monitoring the speed, turning, timing the stoplights, slowing down correctly for stop signs with the right amount of foot pressure on the brake, watching for other cars, etc.

With your mind so preoccupied, trying to concentrate on so many things, you’ll probably be weaving a bit as you drive down the road.


Mystically explained, you weave because of all those distractions that present before you, and because of concentrating on so many things all at once.

You can only remember so many things at once, and when the number of things that you have to remember gets too much, some of your attention to those previous things may start to drop away so that you can do these new things.

Mystically explained, as your experience increases, your subconscious can take care of a lot of these things, so that you can safely relax, and just do all these important things automatically and effortlessly.

And also, if the activity is so new, the muscle memory for that activity probably hasn’t kicked in yet.

Going too far to the right, realizing it, overcorrecting, going left, etc.

If someone took an aerial video of you as you first drove down the street, and if they exaggerated your course, it would probably look like you were zig-zagging.

It didn’t quite register early enough that you are going off track.

And even if it did, without the experience and the muscle memory, you may have lacked the skills to correct the course in the best way.

Eventually, though, the clues build up more and more, till they finally trigger a realization that you are off course, and you take action to correct your bearing.

What if you could know it at first arising; both know it, and exactly how to correct it?

The right direction, the right speed, the right result.

It Is Possible To Solve Small Problems Before They Develop And Before They Arise.

Something like heading right at a tree is an obvious clue for being off track, and that can cause problems. But what about the more subtle clues that you are off track?

There are smaller clues that can be known before it ever gets to such an extreme.

And each one is an opportunity to make an earlier, a smaller, more elegant, more exquisite correction if you can only sense it, and know how to do it.

It is possible to set up such a refined scale that at the very first arising of those clues, even at a seeming microscopic level, one may stay so completely on the course, that their trip and journey in life is more enjoyable and less stressful.

With fewer collisions with the world, less wear and tear on the car, and on them.

When you get off course you get beat up in life.

Like a pinball in a pinball machine that goes too much to one side or too much to the other, and gets slammed all around on the inside of the machine.

Of course, that might feel good to the pinball, or to the bumpers, but it probably wouldn’t feel good to you.

You are not designed for that, and you can choose your course and stop it.

There is a place between too far one way, and too far to the other, that is a place of peace, balance, and ease.

It is just exactly right.

This can be applied to zigzagging down a road.

That car is like you.

And that is why this is important.

How Mismatching The World May Result In Suffering.

If that car you are in was gonna go too far off the road to the right, scrape a wall, and then you were gonna overcorrect, slamming into the median on the left, don’t you think it would be nice to know earlier when it first starts to go off course?

It gets dented, scraped up, and you might get injured.

Terrible mileage, downtime for repairs.

Very much as you, yourself might be if you mismatch your world in a similar way.

Even if you could somehow correct it enough that it doesn’t quite physically slam into anything on either side, just driving down the road in an off-track way creates damage.

The suspension, the brakes, and the tires are all worn out and messed up from just mismatching the demands of the road.

Mystical Benefits Of Being In The Right Place At The Right Time.

When you know you are in the right place at the right time, there is less stress, and you can rest in the knowledge that all is as it should be.

When you can know this, you can find rest.

It is possible for life to be more on track, more peaceful, and more of a vacation.

And there may be less time lost in weaving and looping around without a self-correcting mechanism.

Being On Track Solves Problems, Approaches Mystical Timelessness.

It takes longer to zig-zag and weave down a road than to just go directly there.

For example, if you slam into something, then there is really a lot of lost time.

The closer to the center though, the closer to timelessness.

Even to the point that it is possible to abide mystically in the original place which was, is, and always will be.

The place that continues to exist, even before the arising of time.

Most people do have a built-in guidance system to keep them somewhat on track.

That is evidenced by the fact that they are still alive, that they have successfully survived to this point.

For many though, it is used in such a crude and macro way, and their bearing in the environment is so hit and miss, so random and fickle, that they get beat up.

They suffer needlessly and waste their time and their lives bandaging wounds, regrouping, going from pain to pain, and loss to loss.

They don’t know how to use the human frame to set up the equivalent of a scale, and don’t know how to surf life and mystically abide in the place between opposites.

In the article called How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board: (Mystical Method), I told about this method for staying on track and avoiding needless stress, wear and tear, and loss of time.

Things get damaged when they go off track.

And that could be describing something about what you may have been through.

When you can sense at the earliest departure, any deviation from the position on the road, you can actually solve problems before they happen, and even prevent them.

The problem of mismatching the wall and slamming into it, for example, can be prevented.

And time is saved.

And your car will run like a dream.

How To Mystically Solve Problems By Changing The Future.

This solves the problem of having extra wear and tear on the car, the problem of hitting the wall, the problem of being late for that place you were headed, the problem of injuries and healing time, and the problem of paying for repairs, etc.

Because you were simply on track, it has put things right.

In this way, you literally have changed the future.

You did not hit the wall.

When you learn to set up the scale, you will realize that what you have is a self-correcting mechanism.

And you can confidently know exactly when you are on track or off track, even in the midst of a changing world.

The place of balance in which you dwell can be surfed, even with all of the varied changes that the world can present.

Sounds, smells, sight, feelings, even thoughts.

Even with Aversion and affinity; Avoidance and attraction.

And somehow, you have still found rest there, exactly on course.

Because you are not set in your ways, you are flexible and are able to easily adapt.

You are on track and can stay on track in a better way.

With this practice, you are taking no thought for the morrow, and surfing the arriving changes of the world in present time consciousness, and in a way that doesn’t miss the mark.

Returning from being off course, to the changeless, pristine place.

And it brings peace to the tires, to the brakes, the suspension, the wall, the median strip, and all around you.

Yes, you can influence the world around you by practicing in this way.

It tends to not create unfinished business, and not stir things up on the road, or in your world.

And it can help bring about reconciliation before additional problems develop.

The Taoist Way To Solve Problems While They Are Still Small.

Interestingly, solving problems while they are still small, and before they have a chance to develop, is also a Taoist concept.

In the Tao De Jing, Chapter 63, reads:

Deal with difficulties while they are still easy.
Take care of the great while it is still small. 

The difficult problems in life
Always start off simple.
Great matters always start off small.
Therefore the sage never grapples with that which is great
And is able to actualize greatness. ~ Lao Tsu

Lao Tsu knew this information.


You Can Start Now To Mystically Solve Problems Before They Happen.

When you set up the scale, it is easy to neutralize problems before they occur, and surf life’s sweet spot.

And it is never too late to start.

When you are not overcorrecting or undercorrecting, you are exactly in the place that doesn’t miss the mark.

You are not weaving, and not crashing into the median or going off the road.

You are more fully enjoying life around you, your board sports are better, and you are doing a lot of good in the world.

There are ways to be on course, ways that most of us have never even thought of.

And as you journey along in life, hopefully, things are smooth and easy.

How To Solve Problems Before They Happen: (Explained). By Preston Flatt

Here is the link to that article which explains what is involved in the actual technique of how to solve problems before they happen: How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board: (Mystical Method).

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