How To Mystically Live In The Space Between Things.

Some think of the world as a world of things, but it is also possible to think of it as a world of the spaces between things.

Problems come from imagining yourself, as a thing, as an object in the world.

Things and objects can be knocked around and messed with.

They are caught up in action and reaction.

They are stirred up, bruised, and miss the mark.

And that is what sometimes happens in life.

But what if you lived your life in a different way, and not as a thing?

Is there an actual way to do this? Yes.

It is possible to live your life resting in the space between things, and when you do, life will seem much different.

You can live your life abiding in the space between opposites, between things.

Because in that space between opposites, all the problems of life fall to one side or the other, and you remain resting in the middle, in the pristine center untouched.

You just have to know how to access it and abide there.

How To Use Apparent Flaws To Find This Place.

There is a way to grasp the ungraspable.

When something is pristine and flawless, there is nothing to snag it by; no flaw or handle by which it can be grasped.

And that means it is also beyond the reach or grasp of the mind.

But if it did have a flaw or an imperfection, then, at last, there would be a thing there that could be caught or latched onto, as if snagging something with a hook.

It is possible to set up a scale, to gather two or more points in the seeming flawed world of creation, and rest between them in the changeless place between opposites.

By doing so, it is possible to know what is in the midst of them.

It is possible to hang out in the exact, ungraspable, pristine, and changeless place between those opposites, between those gathered points.

The world of opposites forms walls of rest, something similar to the way that the walls of a hurricane, full of directionality and content, define the place of unearthly peace in the center of the eye of the hurricane.

To the outside, are all the winds, flying trees, dirt, and waves.

Within and between the hurricane eyewalls, though, can be found a place that is kept in perfect peace.

When a weather plane flies into that center and abides there, it is because it has the hurricane eyewalls as references, that it can keep resting perfectly in the sweet spot.

And knowing where those walls are, it knows exactly the changeless place between those opposites.

The place ungraspable, beyond directionality and content.

It can still be surfed and held to.

The eyewalls of the hurricane correspond to the points that you select.

It is by establishing the equivalent of a yoke, or a scale, that it is possible to abide as yoked in the pristine space between the apparently flawed opposites of creation.

As you go thru life, the changing world and its appearances continue to rise and fall, arriving before you in ever-new ways, and new combinations.

Combinations that, when you think about it, have never occurred from the foundation of the world.

Resting evenly in the place between opposites, it is not different than the changeless place which was there before the opposites of creation arose.

The easily snagged world continually changing, presents itself for understanding; for reconciliation, before the place which does not miss the mark.

Without knowing how to establish the scale, and the abiding in me, you are like an unorganized storm.

With the scale, you access the place of peace in the middle of life’s storm.

You can maintain orientation by setting up and surfing the scale.

It’s almost like having a campfire and wanting to cook some food but to cook the food, you have to reach in with your hand and hold it over the fire.

You can’t do that though because your hand would burn.

And that would generate unfinished business, injury, the need for bandages, healing time, etc.

So that would still be very much a physical thing, generating more unfinished business in the world of action and reaction.

But with this method, it is like selecting points on either side of the fire, and building a way to hang your food over the exact place that you want.

And you can use the opposites of too hot or too cold, and undercooked or overcooked to know from moment to moment whether or not the scale is off too much to one side or another.

And you could adjust it in real-time, surfing that perfect place.

And if you kept it exactly over the fire long enough, the food would eventually burn up, turn to ash or smoke, and all substance and change would be blown to the four winds, leaving behind only that which is enduring, that had been there but had been beneath the appearance of the food.

Existence itself.

In other words, by setting up a scale, you can experience, organize, process, and understand life in a new way.

If you know how to establish a scale, you can choose a point on the right, and a point on the left, and set up a physical correspondence with your human frame.

You can dock at the ungraspable center, docking the world of your experience, and all that you have and are, there.

And abide there.

And you use the points you selected, as a reference, or as a scale to surf and hold to the One good thing.

And as the scripture says, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there Am I, in the midst of them.”

You can actually surf and abide in this place, ever peaceful and secure while the world continues to parade up before you.

It presents itself in invitation after invitation to leave this one good thing, and instead go outward seeking solutions in the evanescent and fleeting; in the changing world of creation.

Going outward and missing the mark generates unfinished business, and fuels new creation.

Holding, and abiding in Me, rather than going outward, is the real meaning of devotion.

It is what is meant by the question, “Lovest thou Me more than these?”

There is a verse that says, “Where two or more (ie. points) are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

When you abide in that place, the place between opposites, it is called “Abiding in Me”.

You can also surf that place continually, as you move about in the world.

Life, like a changing ocean, is dynamically changing.

And now that you have established the scale, this may be the first time that you are able to have a steady reference to understand your place in it.

Because you can always find this place between opposites.

And sensing it, to also know the self-evident way to lean to return back into balance.

You first begin by establishing the equivalent of a yoke, or a scale by holding a point on one side of the body, and a point on the other, and resting in the space between these opposites.

You will surf, hold to, and abide in that place as you go through life.

After you practice this spiritual exercise for a while, you will learn that that which you hold to with effort is not different from that which you already have without effort.

But the practice of establishing the scale can provide a kind of steadiness to the screen upon which the movie of life is viewed.

Similar to a movie screen.

If you are going to watch a movie, and the screen is a soft, gossamer, cloth screen that keeps gently folding and rippling as if in a gentle breeze, you may discover that you can comfortably and easily hold a point on each side, hold it steady, and have a much clearer picture.

You would still be where you were, but with the steadiness of the two points, you could have a better reference.

A better movie, or life experience.

You would at least be able to see more of what the movie is, know what the screen itself is all about, and follow what is going on.

As you are gonna be sitting there in life anyway, you could enjoy holding and surfing the points and experiencing life in a new way.

The arriving presentations of the world around you will continue to change, as they always have, but the changeless place between right and left, and between too high and too low, can be accessed in you, can be surfed, can be held too.

How To Mystically Abide In The Space Between Things. By Preston Flatt

Here is the article which gives more information on how to do this: How To Surf Or Skateboard Without A Board: (The Spiritual Exercises)

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