The Secret Money Game Mystical Attraction Visualization.

You’ll like this mystical way of capturing little money dudes that you can pal around with so that you can feel better hanging around money.

Surfers and skateboarders can be so easygoing that we don’t feel like working.

Skateboarding and surfing are way more fun.

But we can’t skateboard and surf forever… or can we?

No worries until the bills come, and that is why this new mystical way of capturing and palling around with little money dudes may be pretty fun for you.

Disclaimer: This does not constitute financial advice. I am not a financial consultant or advisor. Always consult with your own qualified professional for your specific needs. Please read and follow all disclaimers. This article is an imaginative mystical and metaphysical way of looking at the little faces on the fronts of currency, seeing them as your money dude pals, and palling around with them so that you are never alone again.

When my acupuncture teacher, Dr. Richard Yennie, Founder of the Acupuncture Society Of America showed up to give us our accreditation seminars, he looked across the room and noticed quite an assortment of odd-looking people.

There were the superstar-looking types of Doctors with their wealthy cuff links, diamond Rolexes, and luxury cars;

and then there was the pitiful-looking group that I was in.

Some of those successful people were living legends in my profession, that I had only read about, and didn’t even dare to talk to.

The few times I did try talking to those kinds of success legends, I’d blurt out my words in a high-voiced whine that sounded like a kid that had no business being there, and that needed changing.

And I did feel like that.

I felt like a stupid little kid that somehow got to graduate, and somehow was sitting there among successful grown-up-type leaders.

They looked good, had money, and were successful.

They all networked joked together, and went out for steaks at lunch, while I hid away and ate baby food out of a lunch pail in my beat-up car.

Well, Dr. Yennie sensed this, had compassion for me, and my group, and taught us a game to free us out of our poverty complexes.

In this game, each dollar and each piece of currency has a face on it.

It is a captured prisoner that is now working for you.

Each piece has numbers on it that correspond to each prisoner’s rank, or could also represent the amount of power that they have.

The highest would be treated like Presidents of a Country, or Generals, and had a rank of ie: 100, and right on down from there.

Whatever number was printed on the front.

And each one has a face.

When you captured each game piece, you could look at that face.

It was like capturing an actual prisoner that you could put to work for you.

So in other words, with these prisoners, you weren’t the only one working anymore.

You could capture, and have all these little prisoners of varying powers and ranks working with you and for you.

With that team effort, you could have increased confidence and support, and treat the entire experience like a game.

So Dr. Richard Yennie taught us that original model.

In addition to that, I developed 4 variations on that, that are fun to do.

And one of them is for Surfers and Skateboarders.

In summary though, here is a summary of Dr. Yennie’s original model, as best as I remember it:

1) Prisoners Model.

Capture them. The face on each bill is a prisoner.

They have rank=levels=power.

You can accumulate them and put them to work.

They have varying power or even military ranks based on their numbers on the bill.

Put them to work to build things.

Like a game.

2) The Surfer’s and Skateboarder’s Model.

The Surfer’s and Skateboarder’s model is like the previous model, but instead of capturing prisoners, you make friends with little money dudes that you can pal around with, and get along great with.

Those little money dudes know you don’t like to work and earn money, and that you just want to surf and skate instead, so they work alongside you to take some of the pressure off.

To help you so that you can keep skating and surfing.

You just see it as a game, and see each little face on each piece of currency is a little dude that you get along great with, buddy around with, and do things together with.

You may even want to draw little surfing or skateboarding outfits on each one. (I have to say Don’t deface currency though).

You don’t want to sell out these little buddies, so you keep these little dudes near you and only send them out for good things.

On cool errands like buying you a hamburger or something.

They love hanging around the hamburger shop, so that is a great idea, and it is a win-win.

And you just don’t send them away to get stupid stuff.

You give them a home in your bank.

But view your bank as a surfer’s/skaters retreat/training dream camp type of bank, with great waves, great sidewalks, etc., that every one of them is gonna love, and never want to leave.

Then you just treat as many of your money dudes as you can to that great lifestyle.

You are selfless, and you just invite them all in and keep them feeling great with you.

3) Homeless Model. For The Kind-Hearted.

See each face on each bill as a homeless person.

Shelter each. Take in as many as possible.

Give them a home in your wallet, purse, or in the bank. Take in as many as possible, and keep them close so that you can always help them.

And so that they will never have to be without a home again.

You have just brought them in off the streets.

If you send them away, they could end up on the street again.

Don’t send them away, unless it is for a better life.

Hoarders and collectors can tweak their viewpoints to have fun with this.

4) Little Do-Gooder Model.

I have to say that this model is more about the mindset of sending the little do-gooders out into the world to bless and serve people, and isn’t so much about bringing them in and sheltering them.

For this reason, you may want to just hybridize this into the others, and make everything that goes out from you a little missionary or do-gooder.

Bless everyone by sending little do-gooders on errands. Everyone does okay.

Acquire a force of them as missionaries.

Send them on missions.

You need to first acquire enough though before you can start sending them out.

Even if they go out into the world to bring back food and shelter for you, that is still a good thing, a blessing, and it is ok.

Send them out into the world to work for you, or for the good cause of your choice, but you have to bring them in first to be able to do that.

5) The Forgiveness Model.

Suppose you look at the faces on the game piece and are uncomfortable with them for whatever reason.

It’s important to feel good about each game piece, so forgiveness and empathy may be your key to feeling good about every rank and level.

Study their lives, have compassion on them, pray for them, forgive them.

Love them.

Realize that each game piece is a flawed person.

Pray for each, and that they will have a safe resting place in life, or wherever they may be.

The goal is to make yourself good with them, to have good feelings for them.

When you make yourself good with them, they will also want to love and care for you.

You can put them to work as the reformed little do-gooders that they are, to help the world, provide for you, and help your life.

If you can’t make yourself good with them, then you can still always use the Prisoner model to put them to work and let them work as prisoners to make the world a better place.

Just don’t keep any bad feelings toward them though.

Maybe their face reminds you of someone that stole your dog.

Though you may want to stick it to them by working them hard like a prisoner, compassion is still the key.

You want to feel good about the soul of each little game piece.

Sure, you could stick it to them by sending them out to pay your sewer bill, or to buy poop mats for your new replacement dog, but it is better to treat them the way you would like to be treated.

Then, when they’ve worked long and hard enough, maybe they will have redeemed themselves, and with your kind feelings toward them may have redeemed you too.

What If You Don’t Usually Bring In A Lot Of These Little Do-Gooders On A Regular Basis?

Each time you choose to drink the earth’s water instead of soda pop, you are choosing to hug, love, and cuddle a tiny laborer, keeping them in your wallet or purse, instead of sending them away to work for someone else.

You can love each of these amiable little rascals.

Each needs you.

Show them the love by giving them their own home in their own condo, aka, your bank.

Always look at the faces on currency as people.

Not for their bodies. Don’t be so shallow.

Don’t see them as just paper or metal that you can fold and clang together in all kinds of perverse ways.

You can send them into the world as fast or as slowly as you want to, but when they leave you they will be so sad.

They love you and want to be near you and look out for you as long as they can.

Sure, you could just hand them to someone for any stupid reason, and send them away.

But you would be left with zero little helpers or laborers on your team, or in your army.

And then you’d just be sitting there by yourself, and wouldn’t have little helpers to talk to, to joke around with, or to get any help from.

You wanted to have one of them bring back a hamburger for you, and they actually wanted to, but they can’t because you sent them all away; all gone, working for others.

They thought you didn’t love them, and they were sad when you sent them away.

Please show them love; please bring them home.

One thing about those little laborers is that they have to work for somebody. That is just their nature, and they totally love doing it. That’s what makes them happy.

But what makes them happiest of all, of everything in the world, is being near you, and close to you.

Please love them, cherish them, keep them close, and don’t send them away.

The exception though would be if you send out the missionary-minded little dudes as little recruiters, to find their friends and family, and bring more of their friends and family back to you, so you can provide a loving home for all of their cherished friends and family too.

In their beautiful new home, their surf/skate training camp resort center bank condo.

If you hand one to the drunk sitting on the curb, it could bless him with food, so that would be a wonderful thing to do.

But he might bend it, jam it into the liquor store and tell the owner to hand him some liquor.

And then that little helper has to wait around, crying in the cash register at the liquor store, crying and wishing it was still at home with you, and with its other friends in your surf/skate camp resort bank condo.

That owner might then bring him to a change machine in a laundromat, and it goes in the front of the machine and cries out in pain when it gets all twisted around inside the bill changer.

Please save it, please keep it, and if you send it out to help you, love it, send it out for something good, send it on a vacation, instead of getting beat up doing stupid things, or by going through the wringer.

Those little helpers are always moving around, and anxious to help out, and if you don’t send them all away, they can be there for you.

A whole army, a whole team, that can back you up in life and take some of the pressure off of you.

If you have been alone in the world, you don’t have to be alone anymore.

And pick up every coin you see, hug it, give it a kiss, and say, “I missed you….Ma…ma…Mama.

In Summary.

Back in the mid-’80s, Because he knew a lot of us still had poverty complexes, one of my mentors, Dr. Richard Yennie taught us this cool game, that when a bill of currency arrives, such as a 5 or a 10, to look at the little face on the money and treat each one as if it was a little prisoner which you have just captured, and which you can now be in charge of, putting each one to work as a little laborer to build a better world, and help you and others in life.

You could use it almost as a game piece in a game.

The game was to collect and build a team, or an army of little laborers, and manage them just like in a game.

Though Dr. Yennie’s game made sense to me at the time, I have to say that over the years, I hardly ever played it.

I forgot about it, and that was that.

Now, all these years later, it is sad for me to think of how many of the little do-gooder money dude pals I could have hung out and palled around with through the years, but now I will never know.

Please don’t make the same mistake.

As for me, I still eat baby food from a lunch pail to this day.

And as the little homeless money dudes looked eagerly on, hoping to have a home with me, it hurt them over and over again to see me turn my back from them and suffer alone.

The Secret Money Game Mystical Attraction Visualization. By Preston Flatt

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